New York Times Names aīre ventures in Reporting on Silicon Valley Exodus to Miami

 The New York Times recently featured insights from aīre ventures President, Leigh-Ann Buchanan, in the article Join Us in Miami! Love, Masters of the Universe: Silicon Valley techies and Wall Street titans have bought homes and moved businesses there in the pandemic, coaxed by an eager mayor by Nellie Bowles.

Leigh-Ann explained an often overlooked asset in Miami’s innovation ecosystem:

“The universities in Miami graduate more minority engineers than any other city in America,” said Leigh-Ann Buchanan, who is starting Aire Ventures, a nonprofit consultancy to help create diverse tech communities.

Ms. Buchanan said she hoped some of the investment money coming to town went to local entrepreneurs in need, not just new tech founders. It would be a way to spread the wealth.

“Miami has all the material to be something different. We’ll see what happens.”

Read the complete article HERE.


Inc. shares insights from aīre ventures President